Speaking up against our would be soviet overlords.
taltamir's Articles » Page 2
November 24, 2010 by taltamir
The day the earth stood still was a movie from 1951 where aliens set to kill off humanity because it is a dangerous and warlike race, who is stockpiling weapons of mass destruction (nuclear weapons) and has a "shoot first, dissect later" approach to alien life. It is plausible, and it ends with humanity proving itself as capable of peace and rising above its baser nature. So how does the 2008 remake fare? well, its about the same, only instead of warlike destroye...
October 17, 2010 by taltamir
http://arstechnica.com/media/news/2010/10/france-to-fight-piracy-prop-up-music-industry-with-new-subsidy.ars?comments=1#comments-bar The french government decided that piracy is a big problem, and they have the solution... they will teach young people to buy music... by subsidizing music purchases with taxpayer money. They declare it as a dedication to preserving their culture, alongside that push they also intend to subsidize books over ebooks, and purchase "free" subscriptions to newsp...
October 11, 2010 by taltamir
Ever wanted to know "what is the meaning of life?"? Well, wonder no more. Put simply, it is a grammatical aberration, a case of really bad syntax. Ask yourself "what is the meaning of sand" or "what is the meaning of tree" and you would realize how silly it is. Whenever someone hears the question they automatically correct it into a valid question, such as: For what purpose did god create life? For what purpose was I born? What purpose do living organisms serve? Wh...
October 11, 2010 by taltamir
Ever wondered what the answer is to the question "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" Well, wonder no more. There are two answers, which one you accept depends on your world-view. For the creationist: God created chickens in Genesis, not eggs, chickens. He created fully formed men, animals, fish, plants, etc, all adult. Thus the chicken came first. Could it have been an inaccuracy and god actually created eggs instead? well, no... because chicken eggs die unless they are incu...
September 29, 2010 by taltamir
Google OS is going to be built upon google chrome... and it is going to be a failure! Google chrome is the fastest browser on the market, it makes an excellent secondary browser to use alongside a REAL browser. But it will never work by itself. Why? Again and again I see often requested features for chrome rejected by google staff with the following: " we have a strong design philosophy against options (even "hidden" options like about:config) It took 5 versions before google FINA...
September 29, 2010 by taltamir
Lately I have been hearing some debate on talk radio about illegal immigration. One of the points liberals have been making is "we are all illegal immigrants anyways, after all, this used to be the land of the native americans; anyone who is against illegal immigration is thus a hypocrite!" And I am saddened by how pathetically bad the counterpoints that have been offered to this are. So I have decided to pick up their slack and answer this myself! There are two main ways to approach the p...
September 21, 2010 by taltamir
Remember kids, "help your parents shop for energy saving appliances"... Also, get them to buy solar panels... This is quite an interesting website, the most interesting bit is that: 1. It is being actively advertised in other websites (I got there via a link from one) 2. It targets kids. 3. It is a .gov website... meaning it is run by the USA government.
September 16, 2010 by taltamir
It is better that we lose to the Democrats than a Republican win with RINOs. RINO stands for Republican In Name Only, it refers to liberals who are chosen by the republican party as their candidates, that is done because republicans have been operating under the quite flawed policy that stated "Pick the most conservative candidate that can win". So they will pick a highly liberal candidate who is slightly less liberal than the opponent to run in liberal states, for the purpos...
July 28, 2010 by taltamir
Blizzard, in their infinite stupidity, decided to NOT allow anyone to buy the game until it was actually released on 7-27-2010 at 10am PDT (thats noon exactly for us in central time)... I dreaded what would come, and I was right, their credit card billing crashed and was unable to process the orders... I finally got through on 5:30pm... Yay, I thought, finally I can play... well, not so fast, there was a 0-day patch, and it just went into a loop of asking me to patch, saying ok, and then a...
June 3, 2010 by taltamir
Neutrality is pure unadulterated evil, unbiased Impartiality is good... what is the difference? Lets say John Doe kidnaps, rapes, and murders a little girl. Biased (mother of the victim): I want to personally cut him up with a rusty knife for what he did to my baby. Biased (John himself): I admit I have a problem, but I should not be held accountable for my actions. Impartial (me): I have no stake in the case either way, but I can tell you his act is inhumane and atrocious and he des...
May 25, 2010 by taltamir
Having seen the fall of biased opinion tabloid Newsweek (good riddance), left-wing extremist propaganda mills have united to form a new organization called, ironically, "Free Press"... They dub themselves a "media reform group" and demand that taxpayer fund their raving lunacy as more and more Americans are tuning off their vile propaganda in disgust and turning to real news sources. To convince us that it IS democratic to have taxpayer funded propaganda they cite the liberalism ind...
May 7, 2010 by taltamir
On tax day I went to the Tea Party protest in Grand Prairie... I met some friends there. I am a Hebrew (the race of jews), the guys I met were asian and latino... The speakers came from every possible color and creed you can imagine... There was a distinct lack of rich white old men or "rednecks" (which I never understood the animosity against). What shocked me the most though is when I told my youngest brother (who will be graduating high-school this month)... he learned in...
May 7, 2010 by taltamir
The FOSS community has a great way to explain what they mean by free... "Free as in beer" or "Free as in speech" helps differentiate between different meanings of the word "free". Many keep on calling communist healthcare "free healthcare". Presumably because they have failed economics. In many senses such a healthcare system is free... "free" as in "Free People's Democratic Republic of ..."; we have all noticed how tyrannical authoritarian governments refer to themselves...
April 5, 2010 by taltamir
1. Go to program files and delete the foxit directory 2. search you computer for 'npFoxitReaderPlugin.dll' and 'FoxitReaderOCX.ocx', delete any copies of them that you find. 3. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader. (now just adobe reader); it will automatically reclaim all associations previously taken up with foxit 4. Install your PDF viewer of choice (SumatraPDF recommended) and set it to be your default PDF viewer. Any association that your PDF viewer fails to claim (because it is not as int...
April 2, 2010 by taltamir
Anyone else find "extended download service" for online purchased games to be extremely offensive? especially the way it is advertised and spun? examples:  http://www.digitalriver.com/addons/eds/ gee thank you for keeping a "backup" of my download on your server. I am totally clueless to how the internet, servers, and computer work so I believe that...