lets quote wikipedia here: Foreshadowing is a technique used by authors to provide clues for the reader to be able to predict what might occur later in the story. In other words, it is a literary device in which an author drops hints about the plot and what may come in the near future or, in other words, the plot developments to come later in the story. on the 29th, the president of Honduras was striped of his position by his own party, congress, the courts, and the military, after tryin...
Another day, another crime, another coverup by our soviet overlords. Today the UK government (specifically gordon brown) have come up with a statement that it did not consult the obama administration BEFORE banning michael savage from entering the UK; however it DID discuss the issue with the US government afterwards. A little background. The ban list for that year includes only 16 individuals. They include a hamas "lawmaker" (who spent years in israeli prison after he shot ...
The new health care bill passed in the house. Things to know: 1. on page 16 it outlaws private healthcare and REQUIRES by law that everyone be part of socialized healthcare. 2. It establishes a national health history database (to "cut costs") where the government now has complete and total monopoly over your health records, remember this is not optional. 3. It establishes strict limits on yearly expenses per person, even if the person COULD afford better insurance. 4. It excludes congres...
In a fit of irony, amazon has remotely deleted all copies of the books "animal farm" and "1984" by george orwell from its customer's kindle devices. They refunded the customers, and said it was mistakingly put up for sale (it is public domain in most countries, but not in the USA where copyright lasts for nearly forever). Interesting that they included the functionality for the device to delete unauthorized texts without the user's knowledge or consent. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/new...
In a speech obama explained what the problem with our insurance is... crushing corporate bureaucracy. I actually agree with this statement. Although most of that bureaucracy is there to deal with bad regulations and laws, and there are non bureaucracy related laws that also hurt. I am amazed however, that he actually suggests that switching from corporate bureaucracy to government bureaucracy would be an improvement. I have yet to ever see a case where government bureaucracy was better than c...
Our government currently beleives that some companies are too big to allow to fail. That if they fail they will bring down the entire economy with them, or at the very least bring down their poll numbers due to unemployment temporarily going up by a point. But what does it mean for a mega company to fail? Take a look at the auto industry, we have a variety of newcommers, something unheard of in markets controlled by incumbants. Companies like tesla motors are coming and providing niche ...
The CEO of whole foods mart recently came out against Obamacare... http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=8322658&page=1 Interestingly enough, the biggest supporters are the pharma companies and wallmart: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124640564559176649.html
Today in college (organic chemistry 2 lab) a girl asked me about my country of origin. We got talking and i mentioned i lived in canada from age 1-4... this spurred her to comment that canada was great, much better than here; because their government pays for all healthcare. I pointed out the varied problems with that, and finished with quoting what obama was saying about "making a decision about end of life care" and how it affects the elderly. Her response? "well those people are no lon...
In recent news, europe banned incandescent light bulbs above 100 watts, leaving only CFL bulbs, and is moving towards banning incandescents soon. The USA is on tract to do the same by 2012... and so is pretty much every other western nation. CFL bulbs are a lot cheaper, they make sense. In fact, a quick bit of algebra shows that throwing away you perfectly working incandescent and buying a CFL replacing will save you money. Yet some people choes incandescents for various functions for vari...
Censorship... it's not just for authoritarian states anymore. Such issues are increasingly part of the discourse in democracies, including Indonesia, the most populous Muslim-majority democracy. The government there is working up Internet censorship rules to crack down on sites that offend "public decency," including pornography (child and otherwise). In a sign that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has rather peculiar views on freedom of speech, he complained at...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase-out_of_incandescent_light_bulbs#United_States http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/01/business/energy-environment/01iht-bulb.html?_r=1 Various governments around the world are banning Incandescent light bulbs in favor of "greener alternatives" such as CFLs. Specifically: Philippines, European Union, Ireland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, Cuba, Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Venezuela, and the USA. In the USA, California, Connecti...
I can hardly believe it, it is as if a huge weight lifted off of my chest. I had already written off america, certain it is doomed to fall into a third world communist country due to the people wanting such "change". I was listening to the radio and heard that martha coakley was defeated in Massachusetts. A republican in victory in that state is amazing enough, but it finally sealed the deal with the horrible healthcare nationalization bill. Democrats are jumping ship left and...
People have discovered that people are naive, trusting fools... you just need to frame something the right way to gain instant support. This is why the american "creationist" movement have renamed themselves "intelligence design" and later "scientific critique"... (see the book "of people and pandas", the book on which the movement is based and the 3 crazy leaders of the movement. the book has had several editions where the term creationism was simply replaced with intelligent desig...
I wonder what soldiers who were waterboarded to be "toughened up" think about this whole "waterboarding is torture and should be illegal to use on terrorists" crap. To quote wikipedia: All special operations units in all branches of the U.S. military and the CIA's Special Activities Division [ 14 ] employ the use of a form of waterboarding as part of survival school ( Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape ) training, to psychologically prepare soldiers...