Speaking up against our would be soviet overlords.
Published on September 3, 2009 By taltamir In Politics

I will make you an offer. I shall give you 50$ to come to my house and clean my toilet, floors, and carpets. Or 100$ to sit at home and do nothing.

Which one would you choose and why?

on Sep 04, 2009

Probably reversing the amounts would be better... although many would take the $50 to sit at home rather than $100 to work. Welfare proves this over and over and so will UHC if it passes.

on Sep 04, 2009

It was intentional. Welfare provides much less then a full time job at an educated profession. But more than many of the more unwanted jobs...

I used to pay 50$ a visit once every two weeks to a maid to come clean my place up. She didn't speak english, only spanish, and I find it extremely doubtful an american would do her job.

on Sep 04, 2009

I would FIRST work for you and THEN take the $50.

Sure the relaxing for the 100bones is intriguing but many don't realize you devalue and demoralize your own spirit when you receive stuff for doing nothing.  Hard to feel like a man receving things that you didn't work for.  I am taking this in the light that this is not a gift but rather about a lifestyle.

on Sep 04, 2009

wow, now that is some work ethic right there.

I would take the free money personally.

on Sep 04, 2009

wow, now that is some work ethic right there.

I would take the free money personally.


Ask me tomorrow and I might change my mind. hehe


My wife and I just came back from Kyrgyzstan where a good portion of their GDP comes from humanitarian aid.  Sadly it seemed since the last time I was there the mentality that the 'World Owes me" grew substantially.  I saw many less happy faces and personal pride.  A friend of mine's fiance is doing well for himself and is working hard to get ahead in life and was one of the most happy people I saw there.  His sense of pride and worth came with doing a good job to achieve his goals in life.



on Sep 04, 2009

that is just sad about the entitelement mentality...

When people receive entitelement i blame those handing it out (especially if they take from others to give it out). But if a person thinks he is owned something, that is just a fault in their own personality. The reason I say I will take entitlement should it be offered, is because choosing not to take it is being an enabler of bad policy that rots down society from within. You must make a clean break to minimize the damage. If enough people sacrifice themselves for the system, then it will "work" for a little bit, resulting in more entitlement being implemented. Eventually things will fail, whether by people changing their minds, or a new generaiton being raised with entitlement.

Basically I liken it to pain. If you touch a flame, it hurts, and you stop touching it. Sacrificing yourself by not taking entitlment is akin to shielding a person from the pain, but not the injury, of touching a flame. You are only causing further injury by preventing the pain.