Having seen the fall of biased opinion tabloid Newsweek (good riddance), left-wing extremist propaganda mills have united to form a new organization called, ironically, "Free Press"... They dub themselves a "media reform group" and demand that taxpayer fund their raving lunacy as more and more Americans are tuning off their vile propaganda in disgust and turning to real news sources.
To convince us that it IS democratic to have taxpayer funded propaganda they cite the liberalism index (accidentally mislabeled "democracy index"), which shows the USA being 18th place in the world for "being democratic" (that is "democratic" as in "a member of the US communist party called the Democratic Party", not being a free nation that represents the people).
To ensure that funding is not ended when parties switch, said left-wing extremist propaganda mills suggest that untold billions be funneled into a trust fund in their name so that they could be funded entirely from the interest on that money. In hopes that if their funding is canceled, the stolen from taxpayer money in the fund would not be confiscated and remain theirs.
The organizations all paint themselves as a vital resource, citing a made up on the spot statistic that it would take 20 years after their fall before new technology / services spring up to fill the void, and that for 20 years the USA would be completely without news, which would hurt its ability to function as a representative democracy.
The issue that said left-wing extremist propaganda mills are also using obsolete methods of communication and that their more modern internet based counterparts thrive is not even mentioned. Sadly, their imminent failure cannot be attributed to American's wising up alone, but also to many die hard left-wing extremists finally embracing the 21st century and its methods of communication and moving on to internet based news (the linked website is a good example).
To quote the first commend on said article: "If only the government had acted to save the buggy-whip and telegraph industries we'd now have a cheap and plentiful buggy whip stores and telegraphs in every home. Instead we've got these gosh darned complex auto-mo-biles and talking telegraphs that don't even have wires. Bah!"