Speaking up against our would be soviet overlords.
Obama address the UN 09-23-2009
Published on September 28, 2009 By taltamir In Politics

From the whitehouse, you can get a transcript of obama's address to the UN:


Excerpt from address to UN (bolding and italicizing done by me - nothing removed or changed or reordered in this portion of the speech. Portions before and after dealt with other issues, such as climate change):

I will also continue to seek a just and lasting peace between Israel, Palestine, and the Arab world.  (Applause.)  We will continue to work on that issue.  Yesterday, I had a constructive meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas.  We have made some progress.  Palestinians have strengthened their efforts on security.  Israelis have facilitated greater freedom of movement for the Palestinians.  As a result of these efforts on both sides, the economy in the West Bank has begun to grow.  But more progress is needed.  We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel, and we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.  (Applause.) 

The time has come -- the time has come to re-launch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues:  security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees, and Jerusalem.  And the goal is clear:  Two states living side by side in peace and security -- a Jewish state of Israel, with true security for all Israelis; and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people.  (Applause.) 

As we pursue this goal, we will also pursue peace between Israel and Lebanon, Israel and Syria, and a broader peace between Israel and its many neighbors.  In pursuit of that goal, we will develop regional initiatives with multilateral participation, alongside bilateral negotiations. 
Now, I am not naïve.  I know this will be difficult.  But all of us -- not just the Israelis and the Palestinians, but all of us -- must decide whether we are serious about peace, or whether we will only lend it lip service.  To break the old patterns, to break the cycle of insecurity and despair, all of us must say publicly what we would acknowledge in private.  The United States does Israel no favors when we fail to couple an unwavering commitment to its security with an insistence that Israel respect the legitimate claims and rights of the Palestinians.  (Applause.)  And -- and nations within this body do the Palestinians no favors when they choose vitriolic attacks against Israel over constructive willingness to recognize Israel's legitimacy and its right to exist in peace and security. (Applause.)

We must remember that the greatest price of this conflict is not paid by us.  It's not paid by politicians.  It's paid by the Israeli girl in Sderot who closes her eyes in fear that a rocket will take her life in the middle of the night.  It's paid for by the Palestinian boy in Gaza who has no clean water and no country to call his own.  These are all God's children.  And after all the politics and all the posturing, this is about the right of every human being to live with dignity and security.  That is a lesson embedded in the three great faiths that call one small slice of Earth the Holy Land.  And that is why, even though there will be setbacks and false starts and tough days, I will not waver in my pursuit of peace.  (Applause.) 

My Impressions:

So... america does not accept the legitimacy of "Israeli settlements" (the ones the israeli army forcibly evicts?) it seems ethnic cleansing is OK as long as Arabs do it to Israelies. While in israel, arabs are free to live in arab settlements and villages.

Also, end the OCCUPATION? israel withdrew... but wait, he wants them to have a continguous territory... meaning that the west bank and gaza must be connected. That means israel MUST be bisected into north and south israel. Any many israeli cities like sderot (which he mentions) must be cleansed of israelies.

Let me say that again.. Obama is calling for the splitting of Israel, to grant the palastinians a continguous territory. And end "Israeli occupation" by returning "occupied territories".

So... the United states will be doing israel a FAVOR by forcing it to "respect the legitimate claims" which includes bisecting israel and forcing it to open its borders to terrorists (because it is so cruel to not give unfettered access to your country to people who refuse to build on their own and want to build their economy on your back).

Finally... oh the poor palastinians, they have NO CLEAN WATER (lie, they do) and no country to call his own (israel unilaterally withdrew from all territories years ago... and they have made a state, one which is failing due to their own corruption and insistence on fighting israel) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Palestine

here is a map of the region showing the gaza strip and west bank.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 27, 2009

Unfortunately, that truth fades into nothing with the 3rd statement. The right of every human being to live with dignity and security is the lesson imbedded only in Christianity.

Islam and modern Judaism know no such thing.

That must be the most anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic statement I have seen in a long time. Wow!

Let me tell you three things.

First of all, both Islam and "modern" Judaism know of the right of every human being to live with dignity and security.

Second, your version of Christianity, in contrast to most versions of Christianity, very much doesn't recognise the right of every human being to live with dignity and security. Every time you claim that the Jews stole the land of Israel and are to blame for the wars they have to fight you are not recognising the Jews' right to live with dignity and security.

Third, you know so little of other religions, I find it insulting that you would even make such broad statements about other religions. You have no idea of Jewish or Islamic principles. You don't know anything about Zoroastrianism and Hinduism or any other religion. You are making statements about other people's religions and cultures based on complete and utter ignorance and have the audacity to claim that your religion respects the right of others to live with dignity?

Lula, if you want to respect my right to live with dignity, stop lying about my religion. And while we are at it, stop lying about Islam as well. Then proceed to apologise to every atheist you have insulted here on JU alone. There is a lot you, personally, can do to respect others' right to live with dignity; but spreading prejudices and lies is not the way.

In my view your only redeeming attribute is your opposition to abortion, but I am beginning to think that abortion is for you not a question of morality but simply another rule of your dictatorial religion. If some committe 1500 years ago had decided that abortion is a good thing, you'd support it, I am sure.

It's also clear that you support the Arabs only because they are fighting the Jews. You have no respect for their religion or their culture nor do you even care to learn about it.

What you need is some wisdom from a gay (and very open about it) Palestinian Arab Catholic:


(I am starting you on one of his posts that doesn't feature pictures of nude men. You can thank me later.)



on Oct 27, 2009

, Israel has only existed since 1949, it was created by the UN, with the support of countries such as the US and the UK. The people who where living on this land at the time were forceably removed, and have been refugees ever since. Israel is a state based on peoples religion, not ethnicity.

Isn't it more that Isreal's creation in 1948 was based on a mix of people's politics and Messianic Zionisism.




on Oct 27, 2009

Isn't it more that Isreal's creation in 1948 was based on a mix of people's politics and Messianic Zionisism.

What Messianic Zionism?

Israel's founders weren't even religious. They were secular socialists, for crying-out loud.

The United Kingdom supported Transjordan, not Israel.

The Ottoman Empire was still being broken up and the Jewish people simply got the part they lived in. If the same had happened for the Kurds, Imazighen, Assyrians, Arameans and Sudanese Africans we wouldn't have the problems we have now.


on Oct 27, 2009

What happened in 1948 almost didn't come to a reality until Harry Truman got a knock on his door from his Jewish partner back in Missouri begging him to vote a yes on the upcoming UN vote.  Up until then it didn't look like this was going to happen.  Truman got on the phone and started making calls.  His own Secretary of State, George Marshall was against Truman voting for Israel.  But with Truman's influence the UN's decision was swayed in the favor of a Jewish homeland.

This has nothing to do with Messianic Zionism but all to do with the sympathy of the world post WWII when the millions of Jews were treated so horribly by an evil dictator. 

God took something evil and turned it into furthering his plan and today we are seeing that plan progress exactly as written. 


on Oct 27, 2009

What happened in 1948 almost didn't come to a reality until Harry Truman got a knock on his door from his Jewish partner back in Missouri begging him to vote a yes on the upcoming UN vote.  Up until then it didn't look like this was going to happen.  Truman got on the phone and started making calls.  His own Secretary of State, George Marshall was against Truman voting for Israel.  But with Truman's influence the UN's decision was swayed in the favor of a Jewish homeland.

I think there is also tremendous irony in the fact that Stalin voted yes because the Zionists were socialists and he thought Israel would be a Russian client in a British-dominated Arab world.

Just a few years later the Soviet-Union realised her mistake. But by then it was too late and Russian weapons were routinely beaten by the IDF.


This has nothing to do with Messianic Zionism but all to do with the sympathy of the world post WWII when the millions of Jews were treated so horribly by an evil dictator. 


And only a few weeks later the next Holocaust was avoided when the new state turned out to be just strong enough to protect the (remaining) Jews.

This was truly just in time.

My only regret is that the world did not do the same thing for the Kurds and the Nilo-Saharan tribes in Sudan.


God took something evil and turned it into furthering his plan and today we are seeing that plan progress exactly as written.



on Oct 27, 2009

people give too much credit to the UN... It is true, the UN voted "yes"... and the day that happened all the surrounding countries attacked... what did the UN do? jack.

The locals had a bloody war that ended with many dead, with a new country called israel comprised of 2/3 jews and 1/3 arabs, and the defeat of the invaders. The new country was a democracy, with equal rights to arabs and jews, with a women prime minister for their second president (1952 - golda meir elected prime minister). Israel was never an aggressor, it has done the unprecedented thing of giving back territories to a defeated enemy.

The UN was a joke even in those days. BTW, in israeli schools (just like in other nations) they teach that the UN gave jews israel, and did so as a result of the holocaust. Which is a bold faced lie but israel is firmly in the grip of "liberals" who worship the UN.

Why is it a bold faced lie? because the UN did not fight for it... it had a vote... and then it "condemned" the attackers, but it did not fight them. Now if the USA had sent a strong military force to help that would have been a different issue, but that didn't happen. The "israel" the UN created was destroyed the very day it was made. A new israel rose up, created the by people who fought and died for it.

on Oct 28, 2009

they teach that the UN gave jews israel, and did so as a result of the holocaust

In my experience the only ones who consistently bring up the Holocaust in relation to Israel are those opposed to Israel.


on Oct 28, 2009

It's hard to believe that 87% of Americas Jewry could vote for the most anti-Israeli President in the history of the United States.

Perhaps it's because he has Rahm Emanuel behind him...Rahm Emanuel who Time magazine says is "A devout Jew, Emanuel was so intent on negotiating the passage of Congress's $700 billion-bailout bill that he got a special waiver from his rabbi to work through Rosh Hashanah."


on Oct 28, 2009

"A devout Jew, Emanuel was so intent on negotiating the passage of Congress's $700 billion-bailout bill that he got a special waiver from his rabbi to work through Rosh Hashanah."

Very commendable.

on Oct 28, 2009

Perhaps it's because he has Rahm Emanuel behind him...Rahm Emanuel who Time magazine says is "A devout Jew, Emanuel was so intent on negotiating the passage of Congress's $700 billion-bailout bill that he got a special waiver from his rabbi to work through Rosh Hashanah."

And thus this explains what many of American Jews are.  Liberal first, Jew second.  Their political agenda (Tikkun Olam through Liberalism) stands before the commands of Torah.  Unless someone can show me how this new bailout bill is an ox in the ditch?

on Oct 28, 2009

Perhaps it's because he has Rahm Emanuel behind him...Rahm Emanuel who Time magazine says is "A devout Jew, Emanuel was so intent on negotiating the passage of Congress's $700 billion-bailout bill that he got a special waiver from his rabbi to work through Rosh Hashanah."

And thus this explains what many of American Jews are. Liberal first, Jew second. Their political agenda (Tikkun Olam through Liberalism) stands before the commands of Torah.

Good point. 

I wonder what Moses woould have said!

And this is across the religious spectrum....Kennedy, Kerry, etc. are Liberal first, Catholiic second, maybe third or 4th! That's why the  world is in a heap of trouble.  

on Oct 28, 2009

Adventure-Dude, not all american jews are brain dead retards (liberals). I am an american jew.

However, I admit that most american jews are very liberal and support the very regime that hates them.

on Oct 28, 2009

leauki posts:

I have a vision for a vicious plan for Canada and Mexico, should the US dare to vote right-wing again in the future.

A very small part of Manitoba would be declared part of Mexico.

Mexico can then demand a land connection through the US to that part. After all, Mexicans are entitled to a continuous territory. Canada can rightly demand that the US create such a land bridge.

GW Bush and his pals in Mexico and Canada are one step ahead....at least in theory.....re: the North Americdan Union.


on Oct 28, 2009

I wonder why everybody always worries about "the occupation" and never about the reasons for it.

Stop the attacks and the occupation will end anyway.

I think not. I'm thinking of a news story from 2006. The Isrealis are occupying the land owned by Palestinian Christians and the Catholic Chruch. Neither one attacked Isreal before its IDF occupied the land owned.

A few years ago, 2006, Cardinal McCarrick, archbishop of Washington DC was concerned about the condition of the West Bank Christians..from the village of Aboud...a community of Palestianian Christians whose roots go back to the days of Christ who according to local traditions the residents received the Faith from Jesus Himself.

Anyway, the village is threatened by the construction of Isreal's "security" barriers...the big fence. The late Robert Novak, an AMerican syndicated journalist wrote, "Following previous security security barrier construction that effectively expelled  villagers from olive groves, Isreal in Oct. 2005, ordered new land confiscation to extend the barrier. Aboud's 2,300 residents about half Christian and half Muslim are being deprived of their water supply by the new construction."

The Holy Land Christian Society was formed to make the case for Palestinian Christians...they said, " It is clear that the security barrier is not about security but the annexation of land for the expansion of the settlements on the West bank and Isreali control over the water supply." The Isreali settlements of beit Arye and Ofarim were constructed on land previously taken from residents of Aboud.

Novak also wrote another story about the late Congressman Henry Hyde...turns out he sent a letter to Colin Powell..a plea to deflect Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's wall around the Holy Land from it's planned position blcoking the Scriptural pathway of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The 8 meter high concrete wall completely enclosed the last passage from Bethany to the Mount of Olives restricitng the pilgrim's procession . The wall also split a convent and school of the Sisters of Emmanuel monastery.

The Vatican, clergy and laity inspected the deplorable conditions in the Holy Land, and found the attitude of the Isreali military and bureacracy from uncooperative to hostile. The Vatican charged that Isreal violated the 1993 agreement between Rome and Isreal guaranteeing the West Bank land owned by the Church...so far it's fallen on deaf ears.


on Oct 28, 2009

Plus obama ignores the reality of how israel not only was founded by international agreement but that Israel as a country bought most of the land they call israel and won via war the rest and via that its Israels.


And that for whatever reason many ignore the reality that Israel is a nuclear capable country and can return nukes on any country that destroys them .. 


Ie; even if israel is wiped out, the country that does it wiil be wiped out overnight..\



As far as a previious comment that christianity is unique in 'dignatiy and security' has it backwards.


litterally all religions have had huge amts of violence and lack of dignity or secrurity.

And note that both catholism and chrisitanity have in the past been among the most violent  in history.


Note the rape,pillaging and murder committed by both even as recent as the 1800's... and even in the 1700's in our own country (as documented by Jefferson himself).

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