I can hardly believe it, it is as if a huge weight lifted off of my chest. I had already written off america, certain it is doomed to fall into a third world communist country due to the people wanting such "change".
I was listening to the radio and heard that martha coakley was defeated in Massachusetts. A republican in victory in that state is amazing enough, but it finally sealed the deal with the horrible healthcare nationalization bill. Democrats are jumping ship left and right on all the spending projects, most are as deluded as ever, but at least cannot continue to pass such disastrous laws against a unified republican... no a unified American front. The people have spoken and over 50% do not want communism.
We have come to the brink, and we have stepped away from the edge. The danger is not yet over; a single traitor amongst the republican party can ruin things... but this trend of electing responsible officials seems like it would continue, and soon we might regain control of congress. Healing has finally begun; I just hope that the near majority who is for communism sees the effects a conservative government can have in contrast with a spender liberal government in the next few years and grow out of their silly naive notions of communism.