Speaking up against our would be soviet overlords.
And it is the stupidest religion I ever saw
Published on November 17, 2009 By taltamir In Politics


I recently heard a liberal describe her faith in the government, it struck me (again), how similar liberalism is to religion. When people often try to convert me to religion they often say things like "but how can you go on not knowing that there is an after life", and "wouldn't you prefer to know that you are going to heaven"... My answer is, very much so, I would love nothing more. But I do not know such a thing, everything indicates to me that it isn't going to be the case, and closing my eyes and pretending the world can't see me doesn't work.

And what do liberals say? "I am an optimist, I would rather believe that they could do it", or "how would I get out of bed in the morning if I didn't believe they were going to solve this mess?"; real quotes btw.

The liberal idea that the government will succeed in doing it THIS TIME is truly preposterous. at least with religion you can not prove nor disprove the existence of a higher power to have blind faith in. Blind faith is in the government means ignoring the proven and factual history of failures by the government. It means looking at all the evidence and saying "I am going to believe that this time it will be different" because "how could I go on not knowing it will work" or "wouldn't I rather believe that it will work". They call it optimism but it is really a misapplication of the word, optimism means the hope for a brighter future, not ignoring the fact in a specific case and pretending that there is nothing wrong. That isn't optimism, it is denial!


on Nov 18, 2009

I agree.  There are alot of isms that fall into this category such as atheism, agnosticism, deism, Catholicism, duelism, egoism, etc. 

Here's a listing of  many more isms for your consideration: 


on Nov 18, 2009

Ah let them go. People will always make their own choice. I don't like some of the things that were done in the name of conservatism either. Actions speak louder than words and IMO a lot of people are being turned off in droves now. The liberals had a huge opportunity, which they are squandering away now, just as conservatives did in 2005-2006. You'd thinks someone would be taking notes.

on Nov 19, 2009

I am not exactly trying to get liberalism banned here. Just observing that it is practically a faith. One that requires much MORE blind faith than a traditional religion like christianity.

on Nov 19, 2009

I am not exactly trying to get liberalism banned here. Just observing that it is practically a faith. One that requires much MORE blind faith than a traditional religion like christianity.

I'd argue that there are probably even more die-hard conservatives. The problem is that liberals liberally demand an audience, to liberally talk about their plans for your money. Conservatives have being conserving their breath and need to get with the program.