Speaking up against our would be soviet overlords.
Published on August 5, 2009 By taltamir In Politics

The white house put out a statement claiming that the health-care "reform" is a wonderful thing, and that people are spreading lies about it to undermine it... they ask the people to report all dissidents to the whitehouse by forwarding emails that they receive containing such "lies" (read: truth)

As "facts" they present the infomercials the president has done, and if you receive a "fishy email" forward it to the government. Just to be perfectly clear, if you forward someone's email to this address, then they can see who sent it to you, and who else received it... Orwillian does not even begin to describe this. The nazi SS, the russian KGB... There is no example of the government asking people to report dissidents who contradict the party line for any reason other than oppression.
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care.  These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation.  Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag(at)whitehouse(period]gov." - I changed the @ and period in the email to make it inactive, so you don't accidently click it.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 07, 2009

I've a question, anyone can answer it's not person specific: What, if any, is the difference between the Patriot Act tapping lines and checking emails, versus the claim made toward Obama?



on Aug 07, 2009

What is the difference between the Patriot Act tapping lines and checking emails, versus the claim made toward Obama?

You see no difference between foreign terrorists (& their domestic allies) and citizens with differing political views?  Are you really that dense?

on Aug 07, 2009

You see no difference between foreign terrorists (& their domestic allies) and citizens with differing political views? Are you really that dense?


I'm not dense, and yes there is a difference. I am saying, however, that Bush and his crew  (heck, possibly even Clinton, Bush Sr, et al.) knew about and went WAY beyond just posting a blog. They went beyond their powers, and yet Obama hasn't even come close to what they did - yet people are already bashing him and calling him a dictator. Seriously? We don't know if he is going to start eaves dropping and all. Granted, he fucked up with the blog post, but....is there undeniable proof that he's going to round people up, etc?

No, just fear of what could be.

As for Obama being an evil socialist...if Obama is a socialist, what was Bush? Or are these ruinous economic practices not acceptable only if the administration practicing them is not Republican, otherwise they're okay? I just don't get it. Hell, when people questioned the out of control spending of the last administration they were called unAmerican. What changed in six months?

It's the rush to hypocrisy and fear/paranoia that bothers me the most in all this. Spend a little time on any of those tea party sites, read all the info, and some it is very good, very pointed and important, and then ask yourself this: Where were these people while the previous administration grew the size of government,  built the largest federal government in history, ran up a ridiculously high deficit and wrecked the national economy? People (right wing) often gave Bush the benefit of the doubt and claimed that we should "give him a chance." Where's Obama's?

Really, lets get beyond the fear and paranoia and get back to good, old fashioned reason and intellect.




on Aug 07, 2009

It is clear you are taking these statements out of contex. No one would really mean those words and don't forget that it is the left that said them and they are never racist, bigoted, or hateful as a group.

Are you being sarcastic?

on Aug 07, 2009

Where were these people while the previous administration grew the size of government, built the largest federal government in history, ran up a ridiculously high deficit and wrecked the national economy? People (right wing) often gave Bush the benefit of the doubt and claimed that we should "give him a chance."

Straw man.  Re-focus on now, on current reality.  Many were highly critical of growing the government, even then.  They were there then.  And opposed to running up a deficit.  Childish oversimplification and overgeneralization is not an argument.

on Aug 08, 2009

I agree with daiwa, its a strawman argument.

People who had legitimate issues with the last administration, have the same concernts with the current one.

People who are just being partisan idolized either bush or obama (although the blame mostly lies with CONGRESS...)

on Aug 08, 2009

Still, where was the fear and paranoia? If big gov't under Obama is just as bad and drives paranoia/fear....then it's the same with Bush. Right?

Because there is no balance with Mr. Obama. The Legislature is controlled by the same party that is in the White House. The last time Republicans had control of both the Legislature and the White House was for 2 years under President Reagan. The liberals screamed that his budget over ten years would cost the nation one trillion dollars and that was too much for any nation to take. Our grandchildren would be paying it off. Well, in reality we had almost 20 years of prosperous growth. The liberals took power back and wrote some laws and we went into a fiscal tailspin. It is not paranoia when you have seen this before and going down this road again you see the signs of disaster. The disturbing thing is that we are asked to report people that disagree with what our government is doing. Yet Senator Clinton screamed that it was our duty to do this when Mr. Bush was in office. Suddenly it is wrong to do it now. All President Bush asked of us was to report people that seemed suspicious in regards to terrorism to help safeguard the nation during a time of war. While President Obama is asking us to turn in people because that disagree with him. That smacks of the old Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and a host of other bad groups. It is not paranoia, or fear mongering, it is pointing out that what our elected leader is doing is wrong. Had one of the front groups done this I would not care but it is the full power and weight of the government that is asking for this information. What will they do with it? We don't know because they never said. Why does our current government worry about people saying what they think and believe? When Mr. Bush was in office the loony left (as opposed to the left) screamed that our president was a fascist, a Nazi, a rebirth of Hitler and that was free speech and okay. Now it is almost treason to disagree. AJ, that does not worry you? Your elected leader wants to collect names of people that disagree with what he is doing.

I don't know where you're getting at my agreeing with massive presidential powers. I'm assuming it's because you commonly and erroneously are throwing me into one big pot so to speak.

Look carefully, I never said YOU, did not even use the work you. I was pointing out what has been said when Mr. Bush was in office and the difference when Mr. Obama is doing the same thing.

As for Obama being an evil socialist...if Obama is a socialist, what was Bush? Or are these ruinous economic practices not acceptable only if the administration practicing them is not Republican, otherwise they're okay?

If that is what you believe then you have misread me and many here on JU.

Bush warned us about it? Yet why did he push for budgets that were big?

The DHS was demanded by the democrat lawmakers. The large budgets happened because we are fighting a war that will last at least 50 years, longer with the current president in charge. Oh, one other thing, according to the constitution the Congress writes the budget and the President can only veto or sign it. The President sends his budget to the Congress they write it into a law and the President has only two choices. If the President had a line item veto then you can blame the big budgets on him. Yes, if Mr. Bush were a conservative he would have vetoed the big budgets and shut down the government until he got one that was smaller but he did not for political reasons. He shares the blame.

and then ask yourself this: Where were these people while the previous administration grew the size of government, built the largest federal government in history, ran up a ridiculously high deficit and wrecked the national economy?

Right where they are now, only back then we were in a war and wanted to win that first. With the current administration we see no movement to win the war, the money is going to things that are not in the constitution for the government to spend, and instead of a trillion and a half dollars we are looking at 12 to 16 trillion dollars in spending and every week we hear they want to spend more money we don't have. Mr. Ford loaned Chrysler two billion dollars, and it was paid back. Mr. Obama took over GM and Chrysler. The difference is that now the federal government owns a private industry. That is not in the constitution.

The economy was wrecked when the Congress passed a law ordering the banks to loan money to people that could not pay it back. This inflated home prices because everyone could buy a home so price did not matter. When the bubble burst the banks were promised by the Congress that it would back the bad loans with the full faith and credit of the U.S. Govenment. When the banks said it is time to keep your word the Congress said the banks were greedy and mismanaged. Instead of backing the hundreds of billions of bad loans they chose to spend two trillion dollars to save the economy. That did not work so they want to spend another 10 trillion dollars to save the economy. Still the banks are hurt, the economy is wrecked, and people are being foreclosed upon. Nothing was fixed and it only got worse.

on Aug 13, 2009

It is astonishing to me that anyone would think flag@whitehouse.gov was a good idea.  Even more astonishing that the nitwit who dreamed it up hasn't been fired.  I guess BO couldn't disown him (or her) any more than he could disown his own mother.

on Aug 14, 2009

or maybe BO himself had something to do with it? occam's razor. Every single member of his administration is doing something like that, from labeling veterans potential terrorists, to asking people to report dissidents, to dropping charges and investigation against acorn and black panthers, to him personally firing the investigator general who complained about the backroom deal with the mayor of sacramento (he returns HALF The money he embezzled). To appointing a racist supreme court judge...

The only common thread is that all of those link back to obama himself. Either he is extremely trusting of some very specific bad people who tell him what to do as puppet masters. Or he himself is corrupt.

I wonder if I was reported yet...

on Aug 14, 2009

You know it was pointed out on Rush Limbaugh today that all White House documents must be kept for years after he leaves office. He does not need a list all he needs to do is search the archives to get us if we are reported.

on Aug 14, 2009

what are you trying to say paladin? who does not need a list? why would we be already on the whitehouse documents?

on Aug 15, 2009

why would we be already on the whitehouse documents?

Because if your liberal brainwashed democrat reported you to them that record must stay on file for years. People that did not write the White House are reporting gettng E-mails from the administration regarding thier misunderstood beliefs on healthcare.

on Jan 22, 2010

Because if your liberal brainwashed democrat reported you to them that record must stay on file for years. People that did not write the White House are reporting gettng E-mails from the administration regarding thier misunderstood beliefs on healthcare.

Whoa, I missed that reply... And that information too, because this isn't newsworthy according to mainstream media. Must have had some celebrity to report on instead.

on Jan 25, 2010

This article goes well with the discussion some are having with utemia on another thread.  America 2009 is not Germany 1933, but then give it some time and inaction, and it is getting there.

on Jan 25, 2010

but then give it some time and inaction, and it is getting there.

And they resent us for acting, yet that is our only hope for change?

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