Speaking up against our would be soviet overlords.


I noticed something about obama, he tends to make very accurate observations I agree with... and then draws very odd conclusions from those.

For example, he made the argument that a problem healthcare faces is crushing corporate bureaucracy, so far so good... but then he concluded that the solution is government bureaucracy instead.

In the link above he makes the argument that FedEx and UPS do great while the post office is always having problem... and this is supposed to convince us that nationalizing the healthcare system is a good thing?

They are not even going to allow private insurance to really compete like FedEx and UPS do (which, btw, are heavily burdened by the government interference). Oh they SAY they will just add an option, but that is not what the bills says, the bills they proposed flat out ban private insurance. And even includes PRISON time for those who do not buy government insurance.

on Nov 19, 2009

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